How many inches does HGH add?

How many inches does HGH add?

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration. When released by the pituitary gland, HGH plays a key role in growth during childhood and adolescence. As an adult, HGH levels decline naturally with age. Some people take synthetic HGH supplements later in life in an effort to slow signs of aging or enhance athletic performance.

However, the evidence on HGH for height increase is limited. There are no guarantees that taking HGH will make you taller. Any height changes tend to be small. Potential height increase depends on several factors:

On average, research shows those taking HGH supplements may gain:

However, a number of factors make it difficult to predict results:

Researchers note genetics and natural age-related declines in HGH better account for modest height changes than the HGH supplementation itself. For healthy adults with no hormone deficiencies, gains are unlikely.

While small height gains up to about 1.5 inches over 1-5 years may be possible for some, there are safer drug-free ways to maximize your height potential:

In summary, HGH might provide an inch or two of increased height at most based on limited evidence. Genetics and natural age-related growth largely determine height potential. For healthy individuals past puberty, significant height changes are unlikely from taking HGH.

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