Does HGH help lose belly fat? - Prime Hormone Solutions

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a peptide hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that plays a role in growth and metabolism. Some key points about HGH and belly fat:

In summary, by triggering fat breakdown, building muscle, and increasing resting metabolism, HGH can lead to targeted belly fat loss. However, there are some important caveats: In carefully selected patients under medical supervision, HGH therapy can accelerate the reduction of stubborn belly fat that persists despite diet and exercise efforts. The specialists at Prime Hormone Solutions have over 15 years of experience using bioidentical HGH to help patients like you lose weight and feel younger. Contact us today for a free consultation to see if you are a candidate for growth hormone therapy. I hope this provides an overview of the potential but also the limitations of using HGH for belly fat loss. Remember: With realistic expectations about the results, HGH could be a useful addition to your overall weight loss plan. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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